Maestro on the Mic

MOTM #655: Giving Grace

Monday, March 10th, 2025

We’ve got big changes to make in this world, but to actually make change does not include getting our mobs together and pitchforks out for anyone who dares to be imperfect. Everyone is on their own timeline when it comes to opening their eyes to the shit going on around us. Hating on or judging someone for not being as aware and educated as you are, or shaming someone for making “too small” of an impact gets us nowhere. If change is what you really want, try choosing curiosity before criticism. If we want change, we have to start giving more grace.

Let’s chat.

Welcome to Maestro on the Mic, a podcast that helps online business owners find their passion, generate more profit, and build a life that they love. I'm your host, Dr. Shanté Cofield, aka The Movement Maestro, and I’m stoked to have you here. I hope this podcast inspires you to make moves and do the thing. Action is the answer.

In This Episode You'll Hear:

  • Small changes, every day
  • We have to give grace to others
  • Everyone moves at their own pace
  • Choosing curiosity over criticism
  • Accountability still matters

Links & Resources For This Episode:

Watch this episode on YouTube!

MOTM #653: Pressing Pause with Dr. JPop
Connect with James-Olivia Chu Hillman: @inquisitive_human

Check out the transcript for this episode here

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