Full Transcript: MOTM #607: Can You Repeat That?

[Transcript starts at 1:05]

Hello, hello, hello, my podcast people. And thank you for joining me for yet another episode of my favorite podcast. Y'all, I love recording these things. Like I'm looking at myself in the camera here. I just love it. It's Monday. I have such a fun time creating content. So thank you for joining me on this journey, listening, watching, whatever it is that you do.

I truly appreciate it. So today we're talking about the value of repetition. If you're listening or watching when this episode drops, it is Monday, August 19th. Happy Monday, August 19th. I am excited to talk about this one for many reasons. I think there's a lot of tie ins as it relates to repetition, both in life and in business.

But first, as per always, a few updates and then we'll hop on to the Teaching side of things. So from the life side, we have quite a few. Number one, I, as it stands right now, have a professional volleyball player staying in the house or we, I should say, wait, cause Alex and I both live here, we have a professional volleyball player staying with us.

So, uh, it is a Manhattan beach open time and we have Kim Hildreth. I'll, I need to bring her on the podcast. I'm not going to ask her this week to like do a podcast episode. Like she's here to, you know, acclimate and she lives in Florida. Uh, but she's here to, you know, acclimate and then they have the, they're playing and then she's like going to another tournament.

So I'm not going to ask her to do a podcast, but, um, she is here and this is, it's awesome. By the time this episode comes out, Manhattan Beach Open will have already happened, Kim will be long gone, uh, long gone from this place. Meaning staying with us, uh, but it's really cool to have her here and have the space to host her.

And I know that I've, I think every time that we've had someone stay here, I've had that same thing, but it appears repeating, right? It's just really cool to have the space and she has her own bathroom and she has her own like room and Rupert's doing just fine with, cause that's usually Rupert's room. Um, he's doing just fine.

So it's, it's just been really, really cool. And yeah, so that's one update. Um, speaking of volleyball. Summer is summering and volleyball is going great. So we typically have like one to two ish, like really warm weeks per year in SoCal here. And, but I mean, really warm. It's like high seventies, low eighties.

And that's just like during the peak of the day, we don't have warm nights, which I do miss, um, but it's nice because the cool things off. Um, but the temperatures are great. It really feels like endless summer. And it's just super fun to be playing volleyball during that time. And everyone's out and the beach is the beach and it's the summer.

We'd only had that kind of a summer last year also. So it's just really nice. Um, making a bunch of new friends too, just because we have a really fucking good crew at volleyball and we have the, we use this app called group me and people, we just add people to it. And whenever people are looking for a new crew, women are looking for a new crew to play with, they tend to end up with us because people are so amazing and nice.

Um, so I actually, when I was out on this episode, I was like, let me just go on a little bit of a tangent with this in terms of making new friends. As an adult or making friends as an adult, because I haven't been asked this question, but I've seen this question asked of people and I was like, let me just throw my two pennies in the ring.

If maybe you listening to this are, are wondering about that, right? So I am not looking to make new friends, uh, but I do make them. And I truly do believe that the answer here is to have. Personal interests outside of work and like really be interested in into those things. I'm thinking about this cause I just made a new friend, Mary Lee.

And to me I'm kind of like, I kind of dissect things, right? Like met this woman. Um, we met this woman playing volleyball by before 4th of July, but we met another woman that same day and we don't talk to her. Like nothing against her, but like, I don't, That was it. It was like our own interaction. Whereas Mary Lee, like, has joined the class.

Like, we're texting. We're gonna, Lex and I are gonna go to her, um, barbecue. It'll be, it'll be this Friday, but it will already pass by the time this episode comes out. But, a new friend. And it's kind of like, well, what's the difference? And to me, it's that we have a Shared interests and like deep shared interest not like oh, it's kind of like yeah, the thing is cool It's like no we really like this thing and it's not for volleyball That can be one thing like do you like playing volleyball?

But I think and if I look at mary lee, she's also going to med school right now She's a nurse going to med school. So there's that overlap there. She did crossfit in the past She actually currently goes to paradiso, which is a box that I used to go to Uh, and she's like very into volleyball Like I can text her about things players names how they're playing mindsets and stuff stuff and she gets it and she enjoys talking about it, right?

There's this shared, deep interest in these things. So I'm thinking about Elisa as well. Cause last week I went to her house and we made a little homo trip to homo depo and we had to get some stuff so that we could, um, set up her. She, she got a screen for a projector and we mounted it in her. She's an amazing garage.

And I've been friends with Elisa for a bit through volleyball, but it's like, what about the, her and me makes us like. More friendly than other than with other people and besides being gay Uh, it's that we are interested in like building things and making this which is kind of gay in and of itself But it's this deep interest in things outside of work or this deep interest in something in general that allows for these these friendships so Not sure if this applies to you.

But as I was outlining this episode, I was like I actually do want to speak about this or speak to this. Uh, so if you are looking to make new friends or wondering how, how do you make new friends as an adult, I do think there's something to be said about having a deep interest in things outside of work and you will attract other people and find other people that, that have that shared interest.

Right. Okay. So let's continue with the updates here. Um, you're listening, you're watching, you're hearing me. Uh, and the stuffiness, that sinus stuff that I had for a bit, it's gone. God bless. Not magic or maybe we'll call it magic, right? Cause the woo is wow. Uh, and I did some lymphatic work. So I did a lymph love movement, rev, regen session, courtesy of my girl, Anna Hartman, we've had her on the podcast.

We've talked about her a bunch. We will link both that regen session. You can purchase it. I think it was like 27 or 17 or 13. I don't know. It was very inexpensive for what it was. It was 40 minutes. It's guided. There's no props needed and it's just. Helps you move your lymph and I as I was going through these symptoms.

I was like, I think I need to go get a lymphatic massage and I was like the last thing I fucking want to do is get a lymphatic massage. Not because they hurt or anything like that, but like I have to find someone, then I have to like actually go. And I was like, this is too much. Let me just go to Anna and get her, her online course, her on demand course for that, um, or on demand session.

So I went and did that. The reason I was pretty sure that I, like, that it would help is because I was getting a lot of swelling in my legs. I do get swelling in my legs That is like something for me, but this was like a lot and like anytime I sat down after volleyball, I was like, God, I just feel so swollen and it just felt like stagnant in my sinuses.

I was like, I can't move this every morning. I'm waking up needing to blow my nose. That's not me. That's not my life. So I was like, let me try the lymph session, the lymph love session. And I was, it's always great. You know, if you're listening to this, watching this, you are a movement professional, you understand test retest.

And for me, the litmus test, what I was going to use. This was actually my, how I, oh, we're having an earthquake right now. We are having an earthquake and the camera is moving. We're going to let it, we're going to let it rock. We're not going to stop it so you folks can see. It's still going. It's still going.

It's still going. Yes, it is. I'm, like, literally texting Lux. We're going to leave this in, Courtney. Leave all of this in. If you're listening to this, why don't you go and watch the video here so you can see. Welcome to Cali. I'm literally texting Kim. She's downstairs. Uh, that was a big earthquake. That was a big one.

That was a big one. Texting Yanni. Uh, every time that we have an earthquake, Yanni messages me immediately. She's like very like, ah, but that was a big one. So hopefully, uh, if you're watching it, you could see the camera shaking there. Um, I love earthquakes folks. I just think it is. And I may have put a little disclaimer in there.

Anyone that like lived through the big one that happened in like the nineties, I understand the fear and the like, not loving them. And I think that for me, it's like a very healthy respect. Uh, the same way for about the ocean where it just makes you feel so small and insignificant and remind you that like.

There is something so much bigger out there than you and I love earthquakes I do we moved to this place and this apartment is way bigger than my last one and you can It's harder to feel them here, which is why I know that that one we just had was very big Because you can really feel that one. There's likely pretty close to it We had one last week actually as well, but it wasn't as big but Rupert felt that he was like what?

But anyway, we're gonna move forward love them. I'm glad you got to experience that with me Uh The stuffiness that I had all gone. I wanted to use that as the litmus test to the indicator for like whether or not You know the session had quote unquote worked or helped and I did feel like immediately better I was looking at my filling my pulses and things like that and those definitely improved afterwards um, and I wanted to go to sleep like I immediately fell asleep, but um, The next morning I didn't have to blow my nose and I haven't had to blow in the morning since everything has been moving And i'm feeling great.

So Yes, it worked, and we will link all the things, the episode I did with Anna, um, we'll link her Instagram, we'll link that Regen session, we'll link everything. I'm not an affiliate for it, um, I just love putting good people in front of, and good, and good stuff in front of my people, all of you, so. Uh, the last update, it is Instagram intensive season.

For those of you don't know the Instagram intensive is my six week online group coaching program that teaches health and fitness pros exactly how to use Instagram for online business. I have taken over 550. Health and fitness pros through it. Uh, round 16 starts September 24th. Registration starts before that.

And as per always, folks on the waitlist will get access to early registration. I do cap it at 50 people. Uh, they will also get a 100 monies off of the full price. Full price is 597. So waitlist gets it for 497. Um, and the waitlist also gets weekly Instagram tips. I send them out, um, folks on the list cause I just love talking about this shit.

So if yeah. Any of this sounds good to you, hop on that interest list. We will link it in the show notes. All the information about the program and everything like that is there too. So I want to save time, not put it in this episode. Uh, and you can go check all of that, that out there. Okay. Okay. Let's get into talking about repetition.

At the heart of this message is simply the necessity of repeating yourself 11 billion times. If you want to be successful on Instagram, right? That's a little transition. We're talking about the intensive. Now we're talking about being successful on Instagram. Uh, it's not, when it comes to marketing in general, right folks, it's not about saying a million different things.

It's about saying the same few things a million times. I was thinking about this today, this morning, while I was walking Moose. For the millionth time, right? I'm walking through this every day. It's like Groundhog Day. Repetition, repetition, repetition. But I was thinking about what would I want to post?

What do I want to make episodes about? What do I want to write about? And I'm like, yo, I keep saying the same thing. And I'm like, there's value in that. There's value in repetition. It is a necessity, right? You know, that we'll think about, uh, talk about, we have Kim staying with me, with us, we have the Olympics just concluding and come on folks, success leaves clues, right?

Lex and I have been talking about volleyball and getting better at it and I really do believe in my heart and soul that where we are at, at least where I am at, it is a matter of reps. It's not a matter of, you know, a new coach or a brand new fucking approach to doing things. It's literally go get phenomenal at it.

The basics. It's going to the wall and working on contact reps. It's going to the beach and getting more reps. It's we're focusing on foot, on footwork, like the boring shit. Getting reps, getting reps, getting reps during classes. All right. It's not the flashy stuff. It's not, it's not something new. It's literally repetition.

Getting the reps, putting the reps, bringing the time. So thinking about this with social because I, or tying into social media, I've been really enjoying making reels. Um, I've gotten back to my more editing, deeper editing and things like that, and kind of filming them a little bit differently. Um, but I share the same message when I do it.

It's that same message of online business, success in online business and just online business in general takes time and it takes effort. A reel that I did, I don't know, maybe it was last week, um, was how, someone had asked like, how do you not trip up when you record these reels? How do you not need to take a million takes or do a million takes?

And I was just like, part of this answer is simply that I've had a million reps of practice, right? I have almost 5, 000 posts. I have over 600 podcast episodes. I've had hundreds of in person courses. I talk a lot. I've had a lot of practice doing this, right? I honestly, as I talk about this over and over again, and I said this same thing a million times, I do feel that folks who have kids, y'all have a leg up.

You got an advantage here. Why? Because you're used to repeating yourself. Again and again and again and again. That's at the heart of success with anything. I also really cannot, you know, I can't overstate the importance of repeating yourself as it relates to improving proficiency, but also as it relates to simply giving your audience the time that's necessary in order for them to get to the point where they actually want to solve their problem and they want to hire you for whatever solution it is that you provide.

All right. I've spoken about this before. I've not surprisingly repetition, repetition, repetition. Uh, but another example of this is the vacuum analogy. I did it in, I don't know, whatever episode it was. We're talking about people don't need a vacuum until they need a vacuum. I go, Allegra, you know, first pointed this out to me and I was like, that's such a good tangible example, right?

You don't need a vacuum until you need a vacuum. And then when you do, you typically like, okay, Dyson, you know, that, that time's top of mind there. Why? Because Dyson keeps repeating themselves. They keep talking about their shit and they keep making vacuums, repetition, repetition, repetition. Yes, I know they make other things, but they started making vacuums in 1983 and they did not move into the haircare space until 2016, right?

Lots of repetition in between that. So let this be a lesson in the value or the importance of saying the same thing. And also to repeat yourself 11 billion times when you are actually selling, right? If you're in launch mode, making one post and making, sending one email, that ain't it. Repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition.

Last part here. Good transition here talking about launches as it relates to, uh, the value and the importance of repetition. Specifically regarding launches. Number one, stop launching new shit. Launch the same thing over and over and over again. This way you get the data, you get the reps, you get the practice, you get the familiarity, you get so many good things around it.

Again. We're going into round 16 of the Instagram intensive. And because of that, the entire launch process is honestly not that stressful. Right? Yes, it is work. Absolutely. But I can reuse emails. I can reuse, and I already have the sales pages on, I have the waitlist pages that's been done. The process has already been laid out.

I know exactly what I need to do when I need to do it. I have some social media posts on already. I have the messaging all around it. Done. It's already done. Right? So it's not really a big deal to launch this thing. The whole process of also, once I actually go to run it, also done. Very, very simple. Right?

Gonna borrow that quote again from Jade Teda, Teda? I don't know how to pronounce this. Jill, Jill's ex husband. Easy is earned. Right? Easy is earned. Success leaves clues. And the common denominator for both of those quotes It's repetition. Are you willing to put in the reps? Are you willing to repeat yourself?

11 billion times. All right. That is all I got for you today. Thank you for joining me for that earthquake. I'm like really, I'm excited that we got it on camera. I, when I got to watch this back and see just how much the camera shook. Um, That was really cool. Honestly, folks, that was really cool. Uh, but thank you as always for tuning in, for listening, for giving me your eyes, your ears, your attention.

I really, really appreciate it. Do not forget that it is Instagram intensive season. We got round 16 starting on September 24th. Registration for the waitlist opens on September 9th. So make a moves and get on that list. All right, that's it. Until next time, friends. Maestro out.

Links & Resources For This Episode:

Watch this Episode on YouTube!

It’s Instagram Intensive season. Get on the Waitlist!
Anna Hartman’s Regen Sessions
Check out her Insta here: @movementrev
MOTM #182: Letting Go Of The Thinking Brain With Anna Hartman

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