Full Transcript: MOTM #490 My Supplement Stack

[Transcript starts at 1:36]

Hello, hello, hello my podcast people and thank you for joining me for yet another episode of my favorite podcast. Today we are breaking down my supplement stack. I feel like I should have worn like a shirt that shows that I have like some muscles. But either way, here we are. Uh, this episode's dropping Thursday, July 6th.

Happy July. Said that last episode. Imma, say it again. Happy July. But first, a review. I like that I've been doing this. Hopefully you enjoy it. I would love to read your review, so feel free to submit one. This one's from Dr. Emmy nyc, and it's titled: The Best.

Love Shante's, honest, real thoughts on how to do business differently. So many podcast hosts repeat the same old things that can make a biz owner feel guilty if they are not following these practices. An example would be like batching your content. Shante gives the other side of the coin on how to do business that works for you. It's a weekly regular listen on my list. 

Dr. Emmy, thank you. I chose this one because it's very meta for today's episode. I am talking about my supplement stack. That's not related to online business, but I'm doing my business my way. I received this as a question from my girl, Stephanie Hine. She's one of my favorite humans in the whole world, and I've actually brought her on a podcast, brought her on the podcast twice.

So, Courtney, thank you for linking that. And uh, I was like, yeah, I'll do an episode. And this question that she asked, she asked about, the creatine that I use and the protein. The question she asked, she was like, I already checked on your website to see if you had an episode, and I was like, this is why I love you so much.

So if you don't know folks, you can go to the website, themovementmaestro.com, and there's a search bar. So one you can go to- when you get to the website, you'll see on the homepage there's a button for podcast. Click that. It'll take you to the podcast page where all the episodes are. But I have almost 500 episodes and I know you ain't trying to like scroll through all of that.

So there is a search bar. If you're on your phone, it'll be at the top now. We've moved it. Thank you, Joe. My website guy. Lex and all of us went worked together to get that squared away. Um, but there's a search field. You can put in whatever topic you want and it will take you, it will show you the results for any episodes I've done along with any other, um, blog posts- I do have some blog posts on there- um, that may be related to that, that keyword.

Um, and keywords can be more than, keyword can mean more than one word. Um, so if you're like, Hey, do you have an episode about this? Go search there, right? I strategically put that on there so that you can find what you want. 

So, Steph asked about creatine and protein, so I figured I'd answer that and maybe throw in a few bonuses cause I was like, I can't make a full episode about that, but I can make like a short episode and if I throw out a few other things in there. So as relates to my supplement stack, I'm all about simplicity just in general, but, definitely when it comes to supplements. I don't take a zillion things.

Basically I've been using the same few things for a zillion years. Um, and also this episode is not about the research. I'm just sharing what I use. Do your own research, right? I take, I did my research and I'm happy with where I'm at with things. And so do your own research. 

So right off the bat here, the creatine that I take, the brand is True Nutrition.

I first heard about that brand from Aaron Straker. Love him. Really trust him. And I like that brand because it's, it is simple. There's no other bullshit, there's no fluff. It's basically white labeled and you can go and make your own, uh, mixtures, if you will. I can't think of the name. Um, I, I also use them for my protein, but you can decide if you wanna put other things in it.

You wanna put boosts and things like that. I just use regular, regular creatine. Um, for those wondering, creatine, number one thing, it does helps with ATP production. We've all heard of ATP, gives you the energies, right? Short term, um, energies. If you wanna know more about ATP, excuse me. If you wanna know, learn more about creatine, we will link a NASM article and also a Tactic Nutrition pro, post. 

Tactic Nutrition, those are my girls, Meredith Root and Alex Parker, her wife. Um, they are wives. Well, I guess we'll say. That was a, if you're watching the video, you see I did, I did like a timeout gesture. That's weird. I dunno why I did timeout gesture. Pretend I didn't do that. Um, but we'll link those things if you're like, Hey, I wanna learn more about creatine.

But I have taken creatine for years. Um, basically, there's no reason not to, and I don't cycle on and off of it. There's no need to do that. There's no need for a loading dose or anything like that. Um, I put it in with just anything that I drink cuz there's no flavor. That's one of the main reasons I take this one, is that there's no flavor. It dissolves easily. It's simple to use. 

Pre-workout, I don't take any. I have, I've dabbled with pre-workout in the past. Always makes me itchy. Beta alanine ain't good for me. So if anything, I'll take drink black coffee or a Celsius. That's it. Um, Celsius is an energy drink. Sometimes I'll have them throughout the day.

Um, but yeah, I'll do that. And yeah, I, yeah, I'm, I am putting this in my supplement stack. I didn't say it was like this, a natural stack or anything like that. 

Uh, the protein I use, again, the company is True Nutrition. I use their 100% rBGH/soy free whey protein is isolate. I get the French vanilla and I also do the cafe Mocha.

Uh, you can make whatever flavors you want. You can choose how much of the flavoring is in there. You can choose if you wanna put like ashwagandha and shit and other shit in there. Like, I love the company. I love what you can do there. Um, everything is just simple. There's not like a million other things added to it, and that is why I go with them.

Next thing that I take is electrolytes, and the company that I use is LMNT, or it's actually spelled out L M N T. Um, I do partner with them. We will drop that link. If you use the link, you get a free gift. Um, it's just like a, a multi-pack of them. Uh, but it's really helped me out with leg cramps, like significantly helped out with leg cramps, especially in the summertime.

Um, I don't really sweat that much, but I do sweat a little bit more in the summer than my shit gets fucked up. So, um, that's gonna be my, my daily- they also send me so much, I'm not gonna lie, so I, I take at least one drink, one I drink at least one a day and I will put the creatine in with that. My favorite flavors, citrus, which happens to be, like the, the actual like label for it is green, it's like a Maestro green. Uh, and also the grapefruit. But the grapefruit is seasonal and it always sells out. So right now, when this drops, I may, when this episode drops, maybe it will still be available. I don't know. But that is one of my favorites. And it is a limited edition. They bring it back every year. It sells out every year. So, yeah. 

Uh, next supplement. I also take collagen. I do believe that it helps me out. I'm not trying to grow my muscles with it, but rather, help out my little ligaments that I got. I started taking, uh, collagen when I hurt my MCL, when I hurt my knee, uh, last October.

I've just kept taking it. Um, my body feels good and I'm like, why not? So the brand that I use is Vital Proteins. I can get it at Costco. Yes, they've done away with the plastics plastic scoop that comes inside of it, but I don't care cause I already have a zillion of them. So I just use one that I have. Um, I also take vitamin C that's just the Kirkland brand.

Cause I also got it at Costco during the time, because Dr. Tyna and another guy that I follow, I can't remember his name was just like, Hey, zinc and collagen, excuse me, zinc and vitamin C, the building blocks for um, collagen. And so I was like, well, let me get some more of that. So I take that pretty much daily as well.

Coffee wise, this is, in my opinion, I consider it a supplement because I drink Strong Coffee Company black. Um, they're black coffee. If you use the code MAESTRO, you save some money. I brought Adam, the ceo, the founder of the company on the podcast. Courtney, if you could link that episode, thank you. Um, but I drink it black.

I only drink the Black. They have like lattes and I don't like those. I only like the Black and the reason I'm considering it a supplement is cuz it does have Ashe- ashwagandha, not ashwagandha, I think it's ashwagandha. Uh, it has L-theanine. It has MCTs. And so I do consider it to be a supplement, and I drink that pretty much daily.

Um, I don't get jitters from it. I've never really had an issue with coffee. I can drink it at night and I won't get anything, but I like the taste. Um, and yeah, I, I am a fan of it. 

Lastly, topical CBD. Um, I brought Alyson Evans on. She's the co-founder of Fringe and they are a, I don't wanna say they're a CBD company.

They are a, um, lifestyle company. They are a fringe company. Um, and the name is Fringe. I've also promoted, um, they're, they're in the red light space and largely just being fully transparent, it's because it's hard being the CBD space. The way that advertising works and the legal things around it. Um, even though they are doing everything ethically, everything legally, they are going above and beyond to make sure that the purity and what's actually in this is listed.

But it's, it's a difficult business to be in. So, um, they've expanded and are doing other things that, um, moving into other spaces that help out with, with people taking care of their own health and really big, what they've pushed into hard is the red light space. And I, I love that as well. But as it relates to supple, I guess we can consider red light a supplement.

But either way, we're talking right now about topical CBD. Um, that has always helped me actually. I know some people would be like, it's bullshit. And I'm like, well, I feel better so you don't have to use it. Um, they also have, um, a dissolvable cbd, dissolvable, tasteless, odorless CBD powder that I know people get benefit from and people feel things with.

I do not, and largely this is about the endocannabinoid system and whether or not you actually need it. Um, I have historically had good results with using topical CBD. Um, now this, this brand, especially for this brand, for for Fringe, their Mysa Cool. They have a regular Mysa and they have a Mysa cool. The Mysa Cool has been more helpful for me. Um, My girl, Qiana I brought her on the podcast, she used to have a topical CBD that I loved, and then during Covid she stopped selling it and I was like, well, fuck me. Right? Uh, so I have been using, as needed Fringe's topical CBD, their Mysa Cool, and it does help me out. Right? So that's like the main and the only like actual supplements that I, that I take.

I told you it's not an extensive list by any means. I want to add in here just the food part of things. That's the best supplements we have, like eat good food. So of note, if you follow me on Instagram, you'll see that I eat the same breakfast every day. And that's because I wanna front load the day and get a bigger meal that get like my biggest meal then, get a lot of protein in with that meal.

Um, and it's the same, it's just mentally, I'm like, I don't have to use energy to think about what am I making today. It's just like, I'm gonna make this, every day. So I have one egg and a half a cup of egg whites, sometimes three quarters of a cup of egg whites if I'm really hungry. But it depends. And feta. Scrambled.

And then I do, I'm gonna call it crisp, crisped spring mix. It's not really sauteed, it's crispy. It's actually tastes like, you know, if you were to make kale chips, it's crispy. Um, and I use avocado oil to do that. I have some sort of berries, usually strawberries because the raspberries have not been looking good, folks.

Uh, and I have turkey bacon and I have one to two pieces of toast. I've been doing. Ezekiel, uh, what is it? Cinnamon raisin bread. And I toast that in the pan and I put ghee on it. And salt. That's my breakfast every day. Same, same. And it's like, I dunno, I did the math of it. I don't know. 40, 50 grams of protein. Something, something appropriate. I was happy with it. 

For the rest of the day, I also like to make my shit simple and consistent. Company that I, a company that I love, The Chicken Pound. If you use the code MAESTRO10, you save some monies as well. Um, they send chicken that's already cut up, that's already seasoned, that's already cooked, and it's frozen. And it comes in one pound packages.

And I will just devour that. It is pricey, but I'm all about, I'm all about paying for convenience. I'm not above paying for convenience. So that's one of my favorite things to do. Um, I also shop at Costco and I will get a bunch of the Great Range brand bison and the, I think it's pronounced, maybe Bibigo, I don't know, Bibigo pre-cooked rice and I'll make that together.

It'll either be Chicken Pound, it'll be chicken, I should say from The Chicken Pound I only like the balsamic chicken. I don't like the other ones. But, it'll either be chicken and rice or it'll be, um, bison and rice. I call it bison. Excuse me, rison. Um, of course that's bison, right? I call it rison. And I chop up an avocado, part of an avocado, depends on how big it is.

Add lime juice. Lots of lime juice on there. That's the secret. Put the lime juice on, put salt on, and there's my meal. I call it minute meal cuz it literally takes me three minutes to make it cuz it's a minute to cook the chicken, it's a minute to, or heat up the chicken. It's a minute to make the rice and I just gotta chop the, the avocado.

Very, very simple. Uh, so that's the food, my food part. Best supplement that's out there. Eat food, eat simple food. 

And then lastly, I told you in the little intro part, my skincare routine. I know this episode is totally, I don't wanna say it's off brand, but it's like what? Create the things that make you happy folks.

Listen to your people. What are they asking for? Y'all asked for this episode, at least stephanie did. But a bunch of you ask about my skincare routine, which makes me laugh every time. Cuz you're kind of joking, but I know that you also like, but like, tell me. Uh, number one, it's being Black and Puerto Rican.

That is definitely a big part of it, but in terms of what I actually do, I use Dr. Bronner's. I feel like people, as soon as I said that, people are like, what? Excuse me? Yeah. I use Dr. Bronner's soap. I have like a little, like one of those little face cleaner things. I'll link it in the, in the show notes.

Thank you, Courtney. And I use the baby unscented 18 in one soap. And I put that on my face and I clean my face. And then I also use Blue Moon Elise Deep Mo Moisturizing body oil. Luscious lavender. Um, I started using that, dunno maybe last year. My skin gets, feels dry in the winter and especially if I'm using Dr. Bronner's like, it's like, kinda makes it dry, um, and so I asked my girl, Andrea. She's @seasonalandrea, on Instagram, I was like, based, she's really into Ayurveda and things like that. And I was like, based on my dosha, whatever I, I'm not even sure the words, but I was like, what would be best for my skin? I'm currently using, what was I using? Some other type of oil. I've always used oil. Feels better. And I was like, based on what you know about me, what would be best? And she was like, actually probably an almond oil. And I was like, well I'm gonna go buy that then, but where can I get that? And she was like, you can make it. And I'm like, She was like, I know you ain't gonna make it.

Uh, so she recommended this brand, boom, Blue Moon Elise. Maybe it's her friend. I think it's her friend, I'm not really sure. We'll link it in the show notes. Um, I use that. I put it on my face. I put it's body oil, I put it on my whole body. Um, and that's it. But I've never had like a special soap or a special routine or a special lotion that I've used.

It's being Black and Puerto Rican and this next part, having minimal stress. Right. Good genetics. Lots of collagen in there in the tissues, and minimal stress. 

I get a decent amount of sleep. I'm usually going to bed around 10 30, 11 30. Sometimes. It really depends. But I don't wake up with an alarm.

Rupert wakes me up, if anything. Um, you know, I don't have a stressful life, folks. I love what I do and I don't have any kids. I'm gonna say it. I live where there's palm trees. My life is really good. Um, so that definitely helps out with the skin. And I did an IG live the other day and that was one of the questions like, what's your skincare routine?

And uh, my girl Cousin Takisha was like, I. As someone who, you know, uh, did makeup and skincare and things like that in the past, I can tell you that stress and your diet play a big role. And I was like, yeah, that as well. 

So there you have it folks. I know a little bit of a random episode, but you know, it can't hurt to switch things up every now and again, and it's my podcast, so I'm gonna share what I want and I wanna connect with you.

I wanna provide the things that you wanna be listening to. And so Steph reached out and asked, and I'm more than happy to create an episode. If you have a request, you have a question about something, by all means reach out. You can DM me at @themovementmaestro. You can text me 3 1 0 7 3 7 2 3 4 5. It will be green, but I promise it's me, it's my Sideline.

Um, and I'd love to, to do an episode, um, if I can come up with enough content for a, for a full episode. So thank you for the reviews. Dr. Emmy, special thanks to you with this episode. Thank you all for listening, and that's all I got. Until next time, friends, Maestro out.

Links & Resources For This Episode:

Watch this episode on YouTube!

Read this Tactic Nutrition post on creatine
Creatine explained by NASM
Use my LMNT affiliate link!
Use “Maestro10” for monies off at The Chicken Pound
The face cleaner I use
The body oil I use

Listen to these episodes:
MOTM #124: Taking the Leap When You’re Married with Children with Dr. Stephanie Hine
MOTM #262: State of The Union: Home-Schooling, Parenting, and Creating Independent Thinkers with Dr. Stephanie Hine
MOTM #289: S.T.R.O.N.G. Words with Adam Von Rothfelder
MOTM #314: Education, Disruption, and Product Development with Alyson Evans

Catch me on the socials: Instagram | YouTube | Twitter | TikTok | Facebook

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